Thursday, July 14, 2011

Love and Sex

So there’s this hormone that is released when you have sex with someone called oxytocin. It is a bonding hormone. It is the same hormone that is released when a mother nurses her baby. Scientists theorize that prehistorically the hormone helped ensure the survival of the baby by bonding the two parents together; that a child would have more chances of living if it was raised by two parents. So nature has wired us to link love, sex and babies. I also read that repeated sex with the same person also increases the release of the hormone. So, sometime around the fourth time knocking boots, a bond is really cemented.  Women are often seen as not being able to separate love from sex. Time and time again I have seen chicks get turned out if a man puts it on them right. But I too have seen the reverse though men show it differently. The fusion of love and sex for women becomes, “I want you to be my man. ” We want a title, a badge that can be worn on our chest and shown to everyone that says “He’s With Me!!” In my observation, for men it seems much more about cock control. “You betta not be fucking nobody else!” They want exclusive access to your pussy despite in many cases whatever they might be doing on the side to taste the spice of life.  I don’t think it is possible to have long term casual sex and somebody or both parties not start feeling the effects of the oxytocin (This is why many men hit it and quit). However, let us question, once we start catching those feelings, how do we manage it?

Our concept of love or “bonding” is often associated with ownership. We want to have royalties on our loved one, exclusive rights to distribution. He better not even think about another woman! She better not be letting some other dude feel on her booty! Why? Be cause you are mine! You belong to me! Why do we think this way? Because the thought of our lover being with someone else sends us reeling over the edge like Thelma and Louise. But is this really about our lover or is this about us? In truth, it has nothing to do with our lover. One word for the culprit of our controlling love police: EGO. Why does it rip me to shreds to think about you with someone else? Because if you need someone else than it means I am not enough and truth is, me not being enough is my greatest fear. Is she prettier than me? Have a bigger ass? A better cook? Does he fuck better than I do? Does he have more money? A better job? A hotter car? (in New York, does he have a car period?) All fear thoughts that put us on this cycle of policing our lovers to make sure they do not show us what we fear most of all: that we are not enough. Truth is you are everything and yet you are nothing. No one person can be the “be all end all” for anyone. Many people go on a search for someone who can be that, but they will never find it. So your lover can never be the “end all” for you, and you can never be the “end all” for them. Period. 

I call this kind of love Lower Self Love. We all go through it, in truth we have to. As soon as we meet someone we really like, we desire to possess and control that person. That oxytocin starts kicking and we become addicted to how they make us feel. It is like we are an empty tank and we fill up with energy while we are around them. When we leave them, we still experience that high, until the energy slowly starts to dwindle down and down until it is gone. Then we starting feening for another hit of that person. So much that we begin to associate the feeling purely with that person and then in turn want to control them; not knowing that the energy is residing within us. The other person is the catalyst but you are fully capable of experiencing this bliss any time you want. In truth, we were made to connect and bond with others and I guess that is why these hormones exist anyway. The problem just becomes when we try to possess and control the other person and forget that we must also be full with our own energy. The energy of two full beings coming together can change the world!

This of course is a journey. Ego is evolving and we must experience Lower-Self type of love in order to experience Higher-Self Love. In my opinion, Higher-Self Love goes a little like this:

Dear Beloved:

I love YOU! I LOVE you! I LOVE YOU! I do not desire to posses or control you. You are not an object for me to manipulate. I trust you and respect your journey. I trust God/the Universe to be conspiring for my best interest by bringing you into my life. I know you have come to teach me something about myself and I have come to teach you. I fully enjoy being in your presence and I learn a great deal. However, I do not turn you into my savior. My entire experience in the world helps me to evolve but you, my intimate partner play a very special role. For it is you that reflects back to me my deepest Self. You help me to clean out from under the bed of my Self so that I can grow. I cherish each and every moment we spend together for it is truly a reflection of the Divine’s love for me.

**We teach that which we most need to learn so forgive me if I sound preachy. In sharing with you, I am sharing with myself for these are lessons that I too am learning. May we all love from our Higher Self. Ashe.


  1. Ashe girl, I wholeheartedly agree! beautiful, thanks for your words!

  2. Very insightful...Can we love and not feel a need to control? How much of what we call love is an ego attachement looking for validation? Can we celebrate the passion and love that our lover expresses even if all of it is not towards us? Can we feel comfortable with the idea that we may express passion and love towards more than one person?....hummmm

  3. great questions. i think we have to learn to love and not be in control, the act of clinging to something and fighting to control it will only cause it to repel away from you. we express passion and love toward more than one person all the time. we are alive!! or should be....
